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I remember when I first heard the name Cornhole. I was like "That sounds so gross." but then learned it was just another name for tossing a beanbag in a hole, which I have done and enjoyed. Can't wait to try this out!

Haha it is a weird name.  I’m working on a full sports game version of this with local multiplayer!  This was just a game jam build.  I’ve already improved the throwing mechanics a ton and added bag sliding.  I’ll post updates soon if you’re interested in a more fleshed out game in the future. 

It's quite good! I couldn't get it in the hole tho haha. I also noticed that when the final bit of text is stuck on screen you can still throw the beanbags but you can't see what you're doing. Either way, very good for a game jam!

yeah!! I ran out of time to fix the end bag thing.  Haha.  Thanks for the kind words and for playing it.  


love how you combined gameplay & storytelling here, and the rotoscoped animations are so effective. well done!

thank you!!


This makes me wish I had a Playdate! I think the story aspect makes sense, I know we play bags/cornhole at my family gatherings, so the idea of tying it into a story about memory and family drama was affecting. 


Thank you!! It's a pretty neat little console.  I like developing for it because I find that without tight limitations, I can never finish a game.  It makes a lot of design decisions for you, if you pay mind to what it excels at.  1-Bit art restriction and minimal API for the dev environment is also a plus.